Vacataire / Part-timePermanent


    Oui / YesNon / No

    Oui / YesNon / No

    Oui / YesNon / No

    Oui / YesNon / No

    Les spécialités suivantes sont à considérer (Semestre Mars 2023) / The following specialties are to consider (Semester March 2023)

    Bachelor in Electronics Engineering Technology
    – Mathematics 1
    – Physics
    – Chemistry
    Bachelor in Renewable Energy
    – Mathematics 1
    – Physics
    – Chemistry
    Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering
    – Mathematics 1
    – Physics
    – Chemistry
    Bachelor in Computer science
    – Mathematics 1
    – Chemistry

    Bachelor in Renewable EnergyBachelor in Mechanical EngineeringBachelor in Computer scienceBachelor in NursingBachelor in Information Systems Management

    MathematicsPhysicsChemistryProgramming C/C++Anatomie – Physiologie I – Biologie cellulaire – HistologieMicrobiologie I : Bactériologie – Parasitologie – BiochimieFrançais médical – Anglais médical – TICAnatomie et physiologie IIMicrobiologie II (Virologie – Mycologie – Immunologie)Measure and InstrumentationAnalyse des donnéesProgrammationSystème Informatique

    Cours physiques (Présentiel) / Physical courses (Presential)Cours en ligne (Distanciel) / Online courses (Distance learning)Cours hybrides (Présentiel & distanciel) / Hybrid courses (Presential & distance learning)
    The application files to be provided must include the following documents

    – A letter of motivation addressed to the Rector of HITAS specifying the subject to be taught as well as the sector
    -A certified copy of the highest university degree
    – A detailed CV of the candidate highlighting his area of ​​​​expertise
    -A syllabus for each of the chosen subjects presenting the course plan and the methods of student evaluation
    Applications must be sent before February 20, 2023.
    N.B: Le programme utilisé pour les syllabus est celui du BTS

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